New Regulation on Industrial Standardisation

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In order to boost domestic industry, the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia has introduced new regulations on industrial standardisation (the Regulations).*

The Regulations allow the Minister to supervise the planning and development of various industrial standards that apply throughout Indonesia, including the National Standards (Standar Nasional Indonesia/SNI), the Technical Specifications (Spesifikasi Teknis/ST), and the Procedure Guidelines (Pedoman Tata Cara/PTC).

Compliance with both the National Standards and the Procedure Guidelines is voluntary. However, the Minister may order that imported goods and/or services comply with any or all of the standards supervised by the Minister. Similarly, the Minister may order the compliance of any industrial services carried out in Indonesia.

Evidence of compliance can be demonstrated by a certificate of compliance, which is issued by Lembaga Penilaian Kesesuaian (LPK) after a successful assessment.

*The Minister of Industry Regulation No. 45 of 2022 on Industrial Standardisation.