From 19 November 2021, 424 goods will be banned from being imported to, or exported from, Indonesia (the New Regulations).* These New Regulations add two categories of goods to the list of categories to which export restrictions apply. These categories are metal scraps (skrap logam) and subsidised fertilisers (pupuk subsidi).
The new categories added to the import ban list include certain food items such as rice, sugar, ozone-depleting substances, used bags, sacks and clothes, goods that incorporate refrigeration-based systems that use chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and hydrochlorofluorocarbon 22 (HCFC-22) either empty or full, certain drugs, certain categories of waste, hand tools and medical devices containing mercury.
The new restrictions only apply to import and export activities in very specific circumstances. We would be happy to advise you as to whether the new restrictions apply to your import/export activities. Please reach out to your usual contact at our company who will be happy to help.
* Minister for Trade, Regulation No. 18 of 2021 on the Goods Restricted from Being Exported and Goods Prohibited from Being Imported.