Mandatory Notification for Businesses: New Requirements

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The Business Competition Supervisory Commission has recently introduced* new notification requirements for businesses. In addition to the current regime, the new regulations require that businesses must notify the Commission if, among other things, the business undergoes a change of control.

With the new regulations comes some revisions to the way businesses must calculate the value of assets and sales for the purposes of notification. The regulations also introduce an online notification system via the Commission’s official website – – to streamline the notification process.

These new provisions to the mandatory notification procedures should help to strengthen Indonesia’s regime against unhealthy and unfair competition.

*Regulation of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 Year 2023 on the Assessment of Mergers, Consolidations or Acquisitions of Shares and/or Assets Which May Result in Monopolistic Practices and/or Unfair Business Competition.