New Regulation on Indonesian Investment Abroad

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The Indonesian government has recently issued new Regulations that apply to overseas investment by Indonesian citizens or legal entities.*

The Regulations cover three broad areas, which are:

  • protection;
  • services; and
  • documenting.

In relation to protection, the Indonesian government will provide assistance to Indonesian citizens or legal entities who are undertaking overseas investment either through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or through the relevant diplomatic or consular representatives. Assistance may come in various forms, including advice and advocacy.

The government offers a broad range of services to the Indonesian investor abroad, including advice on the geographical, economic and legal framework of the relevant country and information on, and assistance with, investment opportunities.

Finally, under the new Regulations, the representatives of the Indonesian government in the relevant region must record any investments made by the Indonesian investors. Consequently, Regulation 15 requires all Indonesian investors to report their overseas investments to their relevant regional government representatives.

* Minister for Foreign Affairs Regulation Number 10 of 2022 concerning the Protection, Facilitation, and Recordation of Indonesian Investment Abroad.